The first thing that you need to consider is that you do need to make sure that your credentials are in order. When you are thinking about signing on with high profile firms, remember that you should consider how well your credentials look. Take some time and make sure that you think about what your options are going to be when it comes to getting the credentials that you need. Remember that you should also back up your credentials with a very independent spirit. There are many people who are interested in moving forward, but one needs to make sure that it is not done without the paperwork that is going match the position. Remember that you need to get in there and prove yourself.
Another thing that you need to consider is that depending on where you are coming from, you might be looking at a pay cut. One thing that many public accountancy firms work with is the fact that the pay needs to be seen as equitable. In some cases, especially if you are just getting started, you will find that this might mean a pay hike for you. On the other hand, if you end up starting with a public accountancy concern later in your career, you might find that your numbers will drop significantly over time. The issue is that you would not be bringing any relevancy to the job, and this is something that can make a huge difference at the end of the day. There are definitely some exceptions, where you can bring experience to smooth over the difference, but that is relatively rare.
When you are thinking about going into public accounting, take a moment to make sure that you are getting into a job that is right for you. If you are transitioning from another branch of accounting, there is often the feeling that you will miss the challenge. Though public accounting certainly does have its own challenges, it is normally seen as a little bit less stressful than other positions that are in the same area. Take a moment to think about other positions you can have and make sure that you know why public accounting is going to be for you.
When you are in a place where you are thinking about getting a career in public accounting, there are a lot of things that you need to consider. Make sure that you are going into the career that is right for you.