The major job profiles of financial accountants are controlling a business' system of financial management. A financial accountant does many duties, like extraction and interpretation of information from various financial records, then giving advice and being strategic in all kinds of different directions. Then a financial accountant also provides advice to managers, especially regarding financial decisions on a daily basis of a particular company. Providing advice to the board of directors is also given by the financial accountant. Controlling the business capital, ensuring the creditors, debtors, stocks, etc and the maintenance of it is done by financial accountants.
The duty of these professionals depends largely on the area of specification. A financial accountant can opt for internal auditing, government accounting and public accounting. Irrespective of the area and the specialization, the key responsibility is to provide the clients with all the basic guidance and advices financially. In fact he or she has to provide assistance in the developing and budgeting of various financial plans, inclusive of monitoring the taxes and budgets of the clients.
Most of the financial accountants require at least 2 years of experience in auditing with a certification. Also 2 years of guidelines and various working hours experience is required. Years of experience vary with the states and so do the qualifications.
A financial accountant must have both the basic and advanced qualifications, like a CCA or Chartered Certified Accountant, CPA Certified Public Accountant, and CA Chartered Accountant. The American Academy of Financial Management offers a designation of CCA or chartered cost accountant to the applicants too. A handed down job experience is always an added advantage in getting a good opportunity in this field of financial accountancy. If the applicant had prior experience as an intern or a trainee then the prospects for a better job are bright for that particular applicant.
A financial accountant should possess various key skills like having an analytical and inquiring mind, the work ability through logical thinking, consistent, and accurate guidelines. Then he or she must have the skills with numbers, a good knowledge of working with the various information of accounting, along the regulations and rules of finances. A financial accountant must have self motivation, skill in time management, strong skills in interpersonal aspect and also the ability to make financial discussion on issues with the other professionals.
There are various training courses available based on distance learning, self studying, and various courses offered by colleges for higher education.
There are variations in the salary structure of a financial accountant. This depends on the company's size and location. A trainee and a financial accountant graduate can earn between $12,000 and $20,000 per year and then a qualified financial accountant can have a salary between $20,000 and $35,000 per year. Merit and duration causes a variation in the salary structure of a financial accountant. In the US the salary of financial accountants ranges between $30,000 and $47,000. With the salary the professionals also are given bonuses for great accuracy in the predictions of finances.
There is a steadiness in this field because of the rise in businesses, laws, regulations, and also in the increase of the finances of a company. Then the government has also increased the number in the applicants of financial accountancy. With the growth in the economy, organization, and businesses, there has occurred an expansion in the requirement of financial accountants, for setting up books, preparation of taxes, etc. This business and growth in it would increase the positions in job in the field of financial accountancy further, especially for experienced professionals. But with the globalization and development in various businesses and organizations this has also given rise to job positions and opened not one but many job opportunities for future financial accountants.