One of the primary things you will need to determine is the taxes that you will need to deal with when you are building your business as a bookkeeper. The first thing you will need to do is to find the perfect market with which to work your business. Yes, you will be working from your home, but you will need to find out what type of businesses you will want to be doing the bookkeeping and taxes for from your home. You will need to look at what type of fiscal year you will be dealing with as well as trying to determine what you will use as your accounting style. It can be accrual or cash accounting. You can use either or both depending on your clients preferences. Another option to consider is if you will do work for other geographical regions or will you want to keep hours that will be within your own region.
You will need to create a schedule for your work that will allow you to have the freedom you desire from working from home, but will also allow you to be able to go and set a schedule where you can maintain your client level. There are many different things you will need to take into account. Things you will need to look at as well will be how you will organize and prepare yourself from the standpoint of administration.
Make sure to have packages prepared and methods done to show to your potential clients. This way when you do presentations in order to establish your business and you are able to show them what you will do for them and how much that they will be in need for your services. Be organized and prepared to use whatever methods they will need you to use. You should plan to be versatile and use as many connections that you are able to establish from the clients you do get. Practice your presentations and look at all of the different things you would be able to do for their other friends and other connections.
You will need to not only become a bookkeeper, but a salesperson as well. This is because you will need to not only run your business, but then you will need to market your business as well. You will need to look and see all of the different places to which you would like to go and grow your business. Look at all of the different options as well as different places you will need to go and make your pitch and presentation as well when you are looking to make the sale. You will also need to look at how big of a business you will be able to handle. Take into consideration how much time you will need to dedicate when it gets to the end of the year and during the season of taxes so you do not lose light of why it is you are looking to have a business from home. Remember to maintain a constant list of potential clients so you are not caught off guard if you do not have a backup. Look at where it is you are going to grow and how it is you will grow as part of your weekly agenda. This should be a part of what you incorporate into your work week so you do not lose sight of the need for growth at some point.
Do not forget that you will need to keep up on constant changes in accounting methods as well as laws on taxes. So be prepared to further your education. Make sure to keep constant updates and changes that may occur to your business so you do not operate under the wrong ideas.