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Each day, we receive testimonials from numerous people who have found positions through AccountingCrossing. Having access to all of the accounting jobs in the market at one time makes a giant difference. It is like "night and day" to most job searchers.
The main reason that AccountingCrossing works so well is also very subtle but it makes an incredible difference: AccountingCrossing shows you jobs that other people do not know anything about. These unknown jobs can sit for weeks, months, and years onBecause AccountingCrossing finds jobs and charges membership fees to see these jobs, our members have far fewer people to compete with when applying for jobs. Being part of an exclusive site makes a gigantic difference and provides you with a significant edge you would not have using other sites. When you join AccountingCrossing, you stand out.
4. Most Other Job Boards Do Not Allow You to Monitor What Is Really Going on in the Market.We go to great lengths for AccountingCrossing members and collectively spend an incredible amount of time 24 hours a day conducting research on your behalf. The result is that we can show you just about every job that is advertised anywhere out there.
5. Most Other Job Boards Are Not Specialized. We Are.Only AccountingCrossing consolidates every job it can find in the domain and puts all of the job listings it locates in one place.