On AccountingCrossing
why it is important to see every job site there is
If You Do Not Know About the Jobs on All the Job Sites Out There You Risk
Missing the Best Jobs
Our Success and Happiness in Life is Related to Our Ability to Find the Right Job.
A guy I once knew had been unemployed for a long time and eventually he got a job with a relative and was very unhappy about having to take this particular job. On the night before he was to start this job he went to bed as normal and kissed his wife good night. When she was asleep, he apparently went into the basement of his home and killed himself. His wife was horrified when she found him the next day. It is one of the worst images I have in my life because apart from his dissatisfaction with being able to find the right job, he was one of the happiest and most likeable guys I ever knew.
This is a senseless tragedy; however, every day various tragedies are occurring all over the world and one person after another suffers through life either unemployed or doing jobs they do not like. This can literally drive people to kill themselves and it is something that is senseless. There are so many people who are not living up to their potential, unemployed, or underemployed due to their inability to find the right jobs. You may be one of these people. If you are one of these people then you are in good company.
Like it or not, your job is among the most important factors in your success or failure in life. It can determine:
In sum, your job is something that is incredibly important. In fact, the difference between doing a job you like and one you do not like is profound. If you do not like your job you often do not like life.
Because There Are Jobs on Over 40,000 Different Job Boards, Most People Are Never Aware of Even a Fraction of the Jobs Out There.
Why is it then that so many people make mistakes in how they look for jobs? I know that I made mistakes when I looked for jobs. The biggest mistake many people make is they simply are not aware of all the jobs out there because they are not aware of all of the job boards out there.
I want to quote you a horrifying statement from the website of a company that compiles guides of employment-related websites, Weddle's:
There are 40,000 job boards and career portals on the Internet, and this Guide helps you make smart choices among some of the best. Edited by Peter Weddle, the man the American Staffing Association called "the Zagat of the online employment industry," it lists 350 of the top employment sites on the Internet and provides the detailed information you need to evaluate them effectively and select the right sites for your career objective.Incredibly, this book reviews only 350 out of over 40,000 job boards on the Internet. That means that employers are posting their jobs on over 40,000 separate job boards. This particular statistic is something that is incredibly alarming. Finding the job you are looking for is like searching for a needle in a haystack—it could be on one of 40,000 different job boards. Your odds of finding the job you are looking for are incredibly slim if you are spending time on job boards. In fact, in order to be secure that you are going about researching the market correctly, you would need to go out and look at all 40,000+ job boards out there.
Only AccountingCrossing consolidates every job it can find in the domain and puts all of the job listings it locates in one place.