What kind of training does it take to get into accounting and payroll administration? Depending on whom you want to work for and how far you can go, you'll discover that adequate schooling for the position might range from an associate's degree to a bachelor's degree. Accountants were among the most in demand of all college majors in 2005, and the starting salary for an accountant with a bachelor's degree was, on average, $44,000 a year. There are also many certification programs that you can take part in, even if you have not earned a degree, though a degree can raise your earning potential dramatically.
To work as a certified accountant, you will need to have completed a bachelor's degree in the subject, and many people will tell you that the ideal is to have completed a master's degree in the subject. Of course, when you do, the prospects that are going to be open to you are going to be impressive. You might find that you are interested in a position as a payroll administrator, an accounting analyst, a bookkeeper, a credit officer, a leasing consultant, or a collections officer. All of these things are important when you are looking at figuring out what the certification that you are getting is good for.
When you are looking into getting certification for your accounting career, you will discover that there are many career training programs that are out there. Some are taught in the typical classroom setting, while others are taught exclusively on the Web. You will find that many of these courses will take anywhere from eight to twelve months and that they are intended to give you the basics of getting started with an accounting career. Remember that a basic course should include training in things like tax compliance theory, how to run a payroll, and a thorough understanding of the different types of software that are used for this purpose. You will also find that there are programs that will put you with a good internship so that you can further see how things are going to go.
Where are you thinking about taking your career and what do you want to do with your life? There are many different options open to you if you are an organized person who has ambition, so why not see what a career in payroll and accounting can do for you?